
Sound Jokes

How do chinese people name there children? They thro pots and pans down the stairs and listen for the sounds, Ching Chong Chang.


Sun: Hi, I am the sun! I want to warm you up...... Human: :D Sun: I want to BuRn you......... Human: ....... Sun: I want to...... KILL...... you..... Human: I should be going now Sun: LET ME KILL YOU Human: *Screams his last sound*


What is the difference between a frog and a horny toad? One says “Ribbit, Ribbit” and the other says “Rub it, Rub it”.

Hey God, what are you making?

Just a wooden stick that lights on fire.

Sounds like a match made in heaven.


I bought a wooden whistle. But it wouldn't whistle, so I bought a steel whistle. But it still wouldn't whistle. So I bought a lead whistle, but it still wouldn't lead me to whistle.

So I was on Google and on my computer it had windows when Steven hawkings died it shut down sound plays and wouldn't turmoil on again

knock knock who is there cows go cows go who no cows go moooooooooooo not whooooooooooooooooooooo

You know what really grinds my gears? Robots and liars...for example that Stephen Hawking fella..he sure looks and sounds like a robot!! And a major liar too! If he wanted to show me how smart he really was he would have figured out how to get up out of that four wheeler and tell me how smart he is!!!!!