Alpha Kenny body?
When fat people sit down at a restaurant, and you listen closely, you can hear the chair screaming.
When fat people sit down at a restaurant, you can hear the chair screaming.
What is a dog's favorite snack?
What did the cow say at night? Look at the moooon.
What did the mic say to the rapper?
"Don’t DROP me, bro!"
What did the rapper say to the computer?
“Yo, stop laggin’ my FLOW”
What's the difference between someone with dystonia and someone with misophonia?
One makes the annoying noises, while the other hates the annoying noises.
Why was Sonic fast?
To be rolling around at the speed of sound, got places to go, gotta follow my lead.
What instrument do skeletons play?
The Trombone!
If someone licks your elbow... you wont feel it if you put your ear up to someone's leg you can hear them say "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?!"
What's the difference between a white woman and a tornado siren?
The tornado siren doesn't get raped.
If Joe Biden was on stage and he heard the gunshots, he would’ve probably thought it was the ice cream truck
What's a cat's favorite instrument? Purr-cussion.
What’s the difference between a fly and lady Diana ? The sound when they hit the windshield
What kind of tests do rappers always pass?
Sound checks!
if a tree could be any animal what would it be Answer: a dog bc of its bark lol😀
Why did the DJ go to jail?
Because he dropped the bass too hard!
How do you know when a rapper's been in the kitchen?
The microwave goes, "ding, ding!"
Why did the DJ go to therapy?
Because he had too many issues with his TURNTABLE.