I saw a Black person riding a bike, so I ran back to my garage. He was still eating.
Jokes about communism aren't funny unless everyone gets them.
In 2001, my parents took me to 9/11. I was soaring towards it with excitement!
If a dog is white with black spots, then it is 90% great and 10% guilty because it half way starts crimes and is a mistake to the world and is punished by the white dogs that are full white and not mixed colors.
Rate these races out of 10/10:
White 10/10
Hispanic 8/10
Black 0/10
They say there is strength in numbers. Tell that to the people in the World Trade Center.
Did you hear about that Muslim party?
It was a blast!
Two terrorists walk into a bar.
The bartender asks what they are talking about. Terrorist 1 says, "We are going to kill 14k people and a donkey."
The Bartender asks, "Why a donkey?"
Then Terrorist 2 says, "See, I told you no one would care about the 14k people."
"Sigma" - By every boy in my class.
What do British politics and transgender people have in common?
Both aren't what they used to be...
Mr. Beast challenge in Memphis be like: last one to survive the shooting wins 1 million dollars.
Why does rapeboat like going to the dog shelter? It's cheaper than a whore house.
"Rapeboat" has six fingers on each hand and one big eyebrow. Signs of inbreeding.
Rapboat so fat he got more chins than Chinatown.
Why does rapboat like underage girls? Cos grown ass girls are too clever for him.
Rapboat steals more rhymes than black people steal cars.
Person: Did you hear about the black chick on the front of the bus?
Friend: No?
Person: Exactly.
What do you call a person who keeps making jokes about rappers?
An annoying prick whose black dad left him as a kid.
I lost my virginity to a girl with Down syndrome.
I want my first time to be special.
What's one thing your dad shares with black men? Your sister.