What do sex and food have in common?
My sister makes it better than my cousin.
What do sex and food have in common?
My sister makes it better than my cousin.
What do you call it when an Arab girl has an abortion?
Removing a bomb.
Black people are living proof we evolved from monkeys.
What do Civil War veterans and pedophiles have in common?
They both prefer Minnie (mini) balls.
What is the difference between a Mexican maid and a Jewish maid?
One of them won’t clean the oven.
What do you call a shoe made by George Floyd?
The Breath Takers.
What is red, pink, yellow, green, orange?
A black woman dressed for church.
Would you steal 20 dollars from a stupid 6 year old kid with Down syndrome who can't talk and make ah ah ah noises, or get one dollar for saying the N word?
I saw a Black person riding a bike, so I ran back to my garage. He was still eating.
Jokes about communism aren't funny unless everyone gets them.
In 2001, my parents took me to 9/11. I was soaring towards it with excitement!
They say there is strength in numbers. Tell that to the people in the World Trade Center.
Did you hear about that Muslim party?
It was a blast!
Why does rapeboat like going to the dog shelter? It's cheaper than a whore house.
"Rapeboat" has six fingers on each hand and one big eyebrow. Signs of inbreeding.
Why does rapboat like underage girls? Cos grown ass girls are too clever for him.
Rapboat steals more rhymes than black people steal cars.