Two atoms are walking down the street, and they run into each other. One says to the other, "Are you all right?" "No, I lost an electron!" "Are you sure?" "Yeah, I’m positive!"
What were Stephen Hawking's last words? "System failure."
Your mama's so fat, scientists found a new planet called Heranus.
Did you hear that Stephen Hawking wrote a new book? It's called "Around The House in Eighty Days."
What's Stephen Hawking's favorite meal?
His shoulder.
Haven´t posted in a few months. I will keep posting memes together with @#StayatHome every day :)
Two atoms were walking on a street. One atom said to the other: "I'm feeling really positive today," and the other replied: "I know. I stole your electron." Then the first atom said "How Ionic."
What has 4 wheels, 2 legs, and loves his shoulder?
Stephen Hawking.
If the formula of water is H2O, then what is the formula of ice?
H2O cubed.
Stephen Hawking just died. Have they tried rebooting him to factory settings?
If a fly loses its wings, is it now a walk? Wait a minute, I found out a mind blower. So the 🌎 is the 3rd planet from the sun, doesn't that mean all countries are called the 3rd country of 🌎? If I get 10 likes, I'll do one mind-blowing fact daily.
Why didn't anyone react when the king farted? -- It was a noble gas.
Why did the scientist want to take off his doorbell?
Because he wanted to win the no-bell prize.
They say string theory is hanging on by a thread.
Have you walked into Stephen Hawking's house?
Oh, neither did he.
How do you stay warm in a cold room?
You go to the corners. It's always 90 degrees.
One day, the teacher asks a boy, "Why can't fish talk underwater?"
The kid says, "If I put your head underwater, will you be able to talk?"
I knocked on Stephen Hawking's door, but nobody answered...
All I got was "error 404 page not found."
What did Earth say to the other planets?
"You guys have no life!"
If I eat a poisonous potato, it attacks my immune system and I die.
But if I poison a poisonous potato, then eat it, then I won't die because the potato is already dead and can't attack my immune system.
Don't worry, Stephen Hawking isn't dead.
They have just got to copy and paste his memory onto a USB.