
School Jokes

Someone at school asked what makeup I was wearing.

I said ‘ a smile’

They are now following me around asking if my mental health is okay

My plan to avoid them is to not go to school

Going to school is mandatory in this country

Can you guess my plan?

i swear in America, one school shooter can take good care of hundreds of kids, but hundreds of soldiers cant even win a war, might as well send all your school shooters over there

There was a kid named buttitches and his teacher was taking attendance. then the teavher asked"what is your name"? And he answered "buttitches" Then the teacher asked again "what's your name" and he replied buttitches. Then a student yelled out "JUST SCRATCH YOUR ASS ALREADY"!!

I never knew the kid at School had Autism, I always just thought he was walking into cobwebs. 🤔


A kid milks a cow and goes to school and tells his friends I milk a cow and it took awhile for it to warm up and his brother came over and said we don't have cows we have Bulls


So I became a teacher in a school for disabled children

A kid wanted ask me a question, so I told him to stand while he address me 💀