Why were the people during 9/11 mad because they ordered pepperoni sandwiches, but they got two planes?
Hey, watch me eat this African sandwich.
*Takes huge bite of air.*
Why don't lesbians have sex in the morning?
Have you ever tried pulling apart a grilled cheese?
What's a rapper's favorite type of food?
Your hairline goes so far back that Crown Burger was Crown Sandwiches.
What did the rapper say to the SANDWICH?
"Wrap it up!"
Why don’t Belgians eat shit sandwiches?
They don’t fancy bread!
Why will we never get hungry in the desert?
We have lots of sand-which's.
You look like a sandwich Bigfoot didn't even like.
There is only one reason why I find women useful.
That is because they make sandwiches, but that is about it.
Bitch wanna make me a sandwich?
What do you get if you cross a pig and a witch with sand?
A ham sandwich.
Sandwiches are yummy! 😋
I ordered my sandwich at a restaurant on 9/11 spicy, it came out plain.
I took a bite of my lunch. “Is that a sand witch!!!”
My girlfriend didnt bring me the sandwich so i brought the gas
When you throw your peanut butter sandwich at the nut allergy table 25+ kill streak
Today i went to get a sub and they asked me if i wanted all vegetables.. I said no, leave some for the rest of the customers.
What sandwich spread makes people itch?
Flea-nut butter.
What do you call Panera bread when it’s on top of someone?
Panera head.