What do you call an Islamic LGBT member? A Gaylism.
Why do nuns walk in groups?
So one “nun” can keep an eye on the other “nun” just to make sure that she isn’t getting "nun".
One day, little Johnny and little Susan were in bible class. Little Susan had been tired that day, so she kept falling asleep. The teacher said to little Susan, "Who is our Lord and Savior?" Little Johnny poked her in the butt with a push pin, and she yelled, "Jesus Christ!" The teacher goes, "That's right, go back to bed." Then, the next thing the teacher asked was, "Who gave up their son for our sins?" Little Johnny poked her again, and she yelled, "God Almighty!" The teacher says, "That's right, go back to bed." The next question the teacher asked was, "What did Adam say to Eve after their 13th child?" Little Johnny poked her in the butt again. She yelled, "If you stick that thing in me again, I am going to break it in half and shove it up your own ass and see how you like it!"
Did you hear about the gay choirboy?
He choked on his first hymn.
What is a reverse exorcism? It is when the Devil tries to pull a priest out of a child.
Wow, Heaven's a lot hotter than I thought it'd be.
What does a priest and time have in common? They're both predators.
Who is the only person time waits for? Nun.
Orphans go to church to call someone father.
Do you have a halo?
'Cause I can give it to you.
I apologise for this joke lmfaooo, and you have probably heard this banger before, anyways;
What is the difference between a priest and a zit? 👀 The zit waits till you are 13 to come on your face 🤧
A priest walks into a wine store.
"Do you have any 10-year-olds?" Seller: "What the f- Oh, you meant 10-year-old wine." Priest: "I said what I said."
God promised John that if he came in 1st, he would get an eternal life, but instead he came in 5th and got a kettle!
Do you know where priests go at night?
To all night sale at Boys R Us.
What do Catholic priests and school shooters have in common?
They both like to dump their loads into little kids.
What do you get when you cross an adopted kid with a river?
Moses hits the adoption lottery!
If you throw a nun, is it called a... Nunchuck???
Going to church, you don't think you are Christian.
Sleeping with ten men, you don't think you are straight.
So, I was watching YouTube, and then my friend says, "Those videos never get old." I replied, "Just like a Make-A-Wish kid." After I said that, he shot me in the head and said, "And now neither do you." Now I’m in Heaven, and God says to me, "Welcome to Paradise where it is summer days, clear skies," and I said, "Are there summer women?" Now here I am in Hell with my buddy Hitler. I believe he’s a hero after he killed Hitler.
Jesus was a carpenter who got nailed to a piece of wood.