Why is Christianity the most dramatic religion? Because other religions say do do do But Christianity says done done done
Why can't a Muslim woman give head to an American cop?
She doesn't eat pigs.
I don’t know if Jesus was black or white, but I know he for sure wasn’t Asian because people wouldn’t ask him to take the wheel.
Scientists make skyscrapers and airplanes.
Religion crashes them.
What's black, white, and red all over? A nun on her period.
Islamist guys and American Christian right-wing guys are both similar in that both abhor the existence of gay people, but only the Christian Right loves to eat sausages, especially the little ones, if you know what I mean...
Why are Republicans supporting giving felons the right to vote?
Because their own personal jeebus is a felon!
Why did God create yeast infections?
So women would know what it's like to live with an annoying cunt.
What do you call a nun in a wheelchair? A roamin' Catholic.
Yo mama so fat, she fell off the judgement room and broke the 7 layers of hell.
Do you want to give your life to God and be in Heaven?
What do you call someone who is half a Jew?
What is red, pink, yellow, green, orange?
A black woman dressed for church.
Do y'all love Jesus, God? 🙏❤️
I used to believe everything in the Bible until I read about the Jew giving out the free fish.
What’s the difference between God and Hitler?
God made thousands of bread, Hitler made thousands of toast.
Why can't Jesus judge gay people?
He got nailed right before he died.
Did you hear about that Muslim party?
It was a blast!
I bought my fat wheelchair son a treadmill for his birthday, then that big brainless special motherfucker cried over it and threw a fit cuz his fat special ass couldn't get up out of his wheelchair and said for Jesus to raise him up and give him working and movable legs.
God creates dog.
God: "You are man's best friend."
Dog: "That's pretty sexist."
God: "No, man as in- You know what, FUCK IT! You can't speak!"
Dog: "....."
God: "And chocolate kills you!"
Dog: "🐶"