What commitment does a pimp make to each new hoe he turns out?
Answer: He will always be there for her after the break-in period.
What commitment does a pimp make to each new hoe he turns out?
Answer: He will always be there for her after the break-in period.
Why did the skeleton want a friend cus he was feeling bonely
Why do some couples make their status "single" after a small argument? Like, I don't put "orphan" after I get into an argument with my family.
My wife thinks I'm immature, so I told her to get out of my fort.
What did one cheese say to the other cheese?
"Hello, its a nice day, do you have any plans on what your going to do?"... The other cheese was taken back by his politeness and friendliness, they agreed to meet again, and were soon married and lived happily ever after. Let this tale of the two cheeses inspire you to be a better person.
Why dosened the Orphin date the girl because she is a homei
whats the difference between my girlfriend and my sister?
there is no difference
My girlfriend is like treasure to me
You need a shovel to find her..
I once dated a Math teacher,, it turned out she was nothing but problems
Me and my girls friend broke up so I took her wheel chair and she came crawling back
Hey I Broke up with ur girl -Me What Why? Wait what? -Me u Facked Her So its ur Baby