
Reason Jokes

Pilot: This is my last flight everyone Passangers: *Clap* Pilot: I became a pilot for one reason. To conquer my greatest fear. Flight Attendant: And what is that? Pilot: Dying alone. * speeds up towards Twin Towers* Also the Pilot: Now who is ready to play some Jeng------

This is the account of music provider just let you I post for the enjoyment of myself, and to spread different l Kinds and types of music willingly I do not respond for the soul reason of ✨people✨ and do not take offense to anything that I post if you have and issues or just wanna talk contact me i'm only discord so that's all you getting (not being rude) ill put my discord in the comments

In my science class we were watching a video and for no reason at all it started talking about Black Lives Matter and my friend leaned over and whispered “white lives matter more”

For some reason when my mom eat hot dogs she likes to lick and suck on it first. As a son can anyone tell me why ?

i was digging a hole in my garden then i found a treasure chest i was so happy i went to tell my wife but then i remembered why i was digging a hole

A boy is about to be sentenced for killing his parents. He begs the judge to spare his life. The judge asks for one good reason he should be shown any mercy. The boy replies, "I’m an orphan, your honor."