Earlier that day.. Mars:Okay Venus, you need to stop with the puns Mission on space Mars:Moon?You okay? Moon:... Mars:Moon come on! Stop SPACING out! *Venus and Moon giving her the smirk*
I went shopping and then to the hospital and then to bed and then I promised to only say and once in a sentence
I didn’t know what a class clown was till I went to a class and realized I was a class clown in kindergarten and then I woke up from a nightmare
A homey thing is a house, and a sticky thing is a stick.
If people who live in Canada are Canadians I mean if they drink Fanta they’re fantastic
My fish pun aren't on porpoise.
my cat is is red and brown and her bones are crunchy so does that mean she is a kit kat
All real chemists knows that alcohol is always a solution. I did this chemistry joke yesterday, but I didn't get a reaction.
What card is the slowest and slimy? Ace-nail
Dog walks into a bar.. & Sez to bartender . I'm looking for the man who shot my paw..
i tried to play with Rock but it was hard
why does the athlete isnt in the full bus cause she is trying to fit in
why do atletes cool down fast cause they have fans
wash your hands
I refuse to believe my dad got fired as a road worker for theft. But when I came home, there were signs everywhere.
Jokes are rathr funny
What do you say when you wake up to the police trying to arrest you? “Cmon, did ya really think I’d resist a-rest?”
What road goes all the way to the sky? A highway.
I knew a guy who used to sell wrenches. He was all torque.
So, there was this cop on the top bunk of a bunk bed. Another cop walks in and sits on the bottom bunk and the cop on the top bunk bed said, "You're under a-rest."©
Q:What did one koala say to the other? A:Hows it hanging.😂