It’s not rape if you both like it
How much alcohol does JFK prefer to drink?
3 shots.
Most people call it grave robbing... I prefer to call it crypto-currency
Gays: I like men Straights: I like women Russia:Hole is hole
i want coffee like my men
Why do more women than men oppose abortion? Because they prefer not to get raped
I dont like the term "kidnapping". I prefer "surprise adoption"
I guess age is just a number but in your boyfriends case a personal preference.
Why do gay man hate period They they prefer Collins
What is a cannibals favorite drink? Coffee
vegetarian: I prefer plants herbivore: I just like food cannibal: I'm a people person
What kind of bath bomb does an Emo prefer?
A toaster.
Americans prefer houses with basements. In fact, they're best cellars!
Why did Beethoven get rid of his chickens? They were always saying "Bach, Bach, Bach". And his cows preferred Moo-zak.
My therapist said to try having a different outlook on life. I agree. I should have a different outlook on life. Preferably from underground.
What are chocolates preferred gender pronouns? Her-She
Q: why does Pewdiepie prefer knives over guns A: because knives dont have barrels
I like my women how i like my coffee......... HOT