why cant orphans play video games cause they dont have a home screen
Why do Orphans love role play's? because they can call someone daddy
*family are together playing charades*
Me: 50 Shades of Grey! Yes, I'm so good at charades! Put your shirt back on nan!
I played Clash of Clans and when I requested troops, all i got were some muslim wall breakers.
An orphan went on a game show.
The host looked at him and said,”you can’t play this is family feud.”
Why couldn’t the leopard play hide and seek? Because he was always spotted.
What do a penis and a Rubik’s Cube have in common? The more you play with it, the harder it gets.
Why don’t orphans play baseball?
They don’t know where home is.
Why can't orphans play baseball Cause they can't find home
Why can’t orphan play baseball because the can’t find home
why cant orphan play baseball they cant run home.
Why do Orphans hates hide n seek their parents went to play hide n seek for years
Why does an orphan play mum and dad? Cuz they need self love
he plays fortnite just to build walls
Two girls are at a play and are about to go on the stage.
Ally before the other girl gos on stage: break a leg!
Rachel: alright!
On stage, Rachel trips over a stand and breaks her leg
Rachel calling backstage: I broke my leg!
What was the winning play at the leper football game?
A hand off up the middle.
Why don't Indians play soccer?
Because everytime they take a corner they open up a shop
Why did Little Sally get hurt while playing soccer A: she fell into a minefield
What is an orphan’s favorite game? Adopt me.