why can't orphans go to spelling bee's? because they can't spell home
not your parents
why do orphans hate smart kids?because the smart kids get there parents attention
I traded my sister for a slice of pizza. Damn, that pizza was good!
What do you call an emo dating another emo?
The suicide duo.
Knock Knock :Orphan who's there? Not your parents
Why do orphans not build houses in Minecraft? Because they want it to be realistic.
Why do Orphans love role play's? because they can call someone daddy
Why did the chiken cross the road? to get to your moms house Knock Knock you: whos there? Your new father!
Dad: Johnny, Johnny?
Johnny: Yes, Papa.
Dad: Getting women?
Johnny: Yes, Papa.
Dad: Telling lies?
Johnny: No, Papa.
Dad: Well, you're 100% lying because you get NO WOMEN!
How do emos fly? They hang themselves.
Teacher:Is anyone missing? Orphan:my parents