
Picture Jokes

These two guys were txting each other.

Guy 1: How r u?

Guy 2: I’m great. The weather is lovely here Guy 2: *sends picture of a flying spring*

Guy 1: ???

Guy 2: Springs in the air. :)

symple: y did u include me in this fuckery? symple: and y the fuck am i the profile picture? angela: because u r the thot of the group. symple: well it takes one to know one. symple: arnt Thot jokes just ̈whore ́able ̈? angela: FUCK OFF!

Hi my name is unknown guy! Please join my group for the picture I show you, we will do this every week! Thanks leave a comment or sign in using the sign in sheet that I have in google forms or own the website. Hint: Pictures of woman. btw for men only!

Does anyone know where I can get that picture that went around the internet of Steven Hawking looking at the stairway to Heaven and saying “Oh Fu-k”