What do you call a rich Chinese person?!? Kaching
What do you call a bumb person with. A brain a hillbilly
Did you hear about the person who invented the door knocker?
He won a no-bell prize.
How does a crazy person get to the woods?
He takes the psychopath.
When a person asked to see her balence at a bank, they pushed him over.
How do u name a Chinese person? You drop a metal spoon on a tile floor.
What do u call a person with only one arm? Half-assed
^^^ This person has Downsyndrome ^^^
whats a person with downsydroms fav detergent downy
1st Person: Do you want to know something funny? 2nd Person: Yeah, sure! 1st Person: I don’t know, I’m German!
What do you call a person with down syndrome in a bath tub?
Vegetable soup
What is the difference between a suicidal person and you? None, you are both dead on the inside.
What do you call it when a person with Down syndrome gets friendzoned?
Big foot is just a normal person who covered himself in pritt stick and went down on susan boyle
this one time i said to a person that tehy are dry they i was wet (ba dum tiss) my bully said i have to shut up i said shut down (ba dum tiss)
What do you call a person who's heart stopped... Dead
What did the homeless person get for Christmas??? - Nothing €
What do you call a short black person?
By their name, you racist.
I hate how funerals are always at 9 a.m. -- I'm not really a mourning person.
I'm American, and I'm sick of people saying America is "the stupidest country in the world." Personally, I think Europe is the stupidest country in the world.