
People Jokes

Why do people come on here just to say that we should not be making these jokes they literally look this shit up just to complain

🎆 New Year's Eve

Lil Johnny👦: „Every year the same, people always have to start banging before midnight“

Mom👱🏻‍♀️: „Johnny, would you please leave the bedroom now?“

Dad👨🏻‍🦰: „Son, if you don't leave, it‘ll bang on your head!“

"Stop telling these orphan jokes!! Maybe some people that read these are orphans!"

I'll stop telling orphan jokes when their parents come back.

Why is it you donate one kidney you're a hero but donate four or five and people run and call the police?

When I was little I used to think that the people in cartoons were real people..until I turned 7 I realized that it was just people doing voices..sad isnt it

Women are like the twin towers. After you smash them, and if some little people start jumping out, the government is gonna tax the shit outta you.