
Penis Jokes

There was once a man from Peru Who fell asleep in a canoe While dreaming of Venus He played with his penis And awoke with a hand full of goo

What happens when Rick Astley is getting an erection whilst singing never gonna gove you up?

You get PRICKrolled.

A lady weightlifter goes to the doctor and says "doctor I have a confession". The doctor asks "what is that?" She replies, "I've been using steroids and....I think I've grown a penis". The doctor looks at her and asks "anabolic?" There's an awkward silence then she replies "no, just a penis".

Doctor: "Does your penis burn after intercourse?"

Patient: "I don't know. I never tried lighting it."


Little Johnny went to the doctor to get an infection checked on his penis. As the doctor examined it, he asked," Lil Johnny how did you get an infection on your penis?" Johnny replied, "Well, the damn neighbor Sally's braces are to sharp."


Why was Han Solo so suspicious when he put his penis inside Princess Leia for the first time? -- Because it was Luke warm.