Otherness Jokes

whats the difference between Michael Jackson and a shopping bag?

ones made of plastic and is dangerous for children to play with, the other one carries your shopping.


Why is there a lot of whites in hockey? It’s the only other job that involves beating something black other than being a cop


Me and my friend were roasting each other. She said, "You look like a Reese's cup." I replied, "You're so old, your pubic hairs are 50 shades of gray."


people call me a bad person but just the other day i saw a little kid crying and asked him where were his parents , i love working at the orphanage

What is the difference between a baby and a watermelon? One smashes open when you hit it with a sledgehammer, and the other is a watermelon.


A drunk walks into and says, "All lawyers are a$$holes!" A guy at the other end of the bar says, "I resent that!" The drunk says, "Why, are you a lawyer?" and the other guy says, "No, I'm an a$$hole!"

Two atoms were walking on a street. One atom said to the other: "I'm feeling really positive today" and the other replied: "I know. I stole your electron". Then the first atom said "How Ionic"

My dad died the other day but, i was able to hear his last words"son are you still holding the ladder"

My friend and I were walking down the street and we saw this one disabled kid getting bullied by 3 other kids. Urgently, we sprinted over to help.

He had no chance against the 5 of us.


What's the difference between an alligator and a crocodile? One of them you'll see in a while, and the other one you'll see later.