
Orphan Jokes

I saw a orphan on the road I asked him if he's a ophorn the kid says ye what gave it away

I say your parents

The mom and left the child because they were famous and rich like rich monkeys

Why dose the orphan can’t write a single word or sentence

Because the orphan is dumber

orphan: can i go outside coworker at orphanage: go ask your mom orphan: WAWAWAWAWwAW

Not to be rude or anything but im not adopted my bf is and some of these are really mean because sometimes there parents give them up just because there ugly or just because of there skin color We should stop making fun of them and yes i do gigle sometimes but they can be relay hurtful sometimes

why can't an orphan live peacefully, Technoblade: as a ghost he could locate all orphan withing 2 weeks

"Why Are All These Orphans Here", Said Chris. " Because their dad went to go get the milk", Said MrBeast 3 Years Later, " I AM GIVING APPLE IN A SHARE TO EVERY ORPHAN IN THE WORLD AND IM ALSO GIVING EACH OF THE 1000000000000 DOLLARS.