why do orphans have only 300 and 60 days coz dont have mother and fathers days.
what do you call a guy named kaiden. idk lol
i told some orphan that you can see your family but I meant spider man home coming...
If u cant see ur family... UR AN orphan
Why can't orphans be gay They have nobody to call daddy
ik this isnt a orphan joke but i didnt know where to say it so yh.
i threw a nut at the alergy table and screamed... YES TRIPLE KILL
orphan- am going to see my mom in the kitchen because they are always in there
Even if orphans fail their exams im sure their parents wouldnt... oh wait...
why did the orphan cry to the teacher because they have no one else
what do you call an orphan at the dinner table?
family dinner!
A girl came to my house she said where’s your parents I started crying
an orphan tried to make an app about orphans but their was no home page
there was a kid being mean to a kid at a orphanage the kid said stop but the mean one said what are you going to do call your mommy
pro tip kids, you CAN hit an orphan because they cant cry to their parents
What is a four leg animal called that can fly
A donkey flying in the sky running away from me
Why do people love dating orphans?
Because they're always home alone.
Why do orphans hate health ed at school? Their parents cant op them out of it.
What does an apple company and an orphanage have that are different. Apples actually get picked.... Unlike little Timmy here.... He’s been here for 16 years..
Why can't orphans play dodgeball because no one misses them