
Orphan Jokes

Why do Orphasn have not have cheese on their burgers,They don't have a dad to get milk

I asked my orphan friend what his movie is, he said spiderman, no way home. I said "Proabaly becuase its so relatable, right?" He started crying I dont know why.

I asked the orphan if he wanted to watch all the tom holland spiderman movies with me and he started crying..

You could think that some orphans are gay

But think would the be home-osexual 🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️

My son came up to me and said “mom, where are your parents?” I stared in confusion i said “in a far place.” He asked “In and orphanage?”

An Orphan asked if they could move into my house yesterday, i said "Don't you have a family?"

one day I was walking around, then saw this mom mad at her kid and screamed " YoUr AdOpTeD!" he said "yeah I know my REAL mommy is still at home with daddy."