
Orange Jokes

"You did great!"

"Come here and get your prize, a shiny quarter!"

"Nah, that's okay."

"Here's the quarter back."

"You don't want the quarter?"

"No! Quarterback!"


(Crashes) (screams)

"Yo, sorry bout that."

"You think he's gonna be mad?"

"Who? Baldi?"

"Nah, he doesn't have a HAIR in the world!"

(Annoying Orange laughs) (Baldi groans)

What's the difference between a dead baby and an orange? I don't keep a trash bag full of oranges in my basement.

When you ask your friend'Can I hear a joke. ̈ ̈Sure ̈ ̈What do orphans and orange peels have the same. ̈ ̈What? ̈ ̈They both get thrown out

i like it when girls poop it rely hot. i like the big but orange holes when the brown farter juice comes out of the orange i lik alot 🤑 🤑 🤑 🤑 🤑

I get big weniro when i think about big farting girl

What did the blender say to the orange juice? What the fuck are you, you are so fucking stupid shut the fuck up.

Knock knock who’s there Banna banna who? Knock knock whos there banna.banna who knock knock WHOS THERE banna banna who knock knock who’s there banna who orange you glad I didn’t say banna yup🤣🤣😂😂😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣🤣😂😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂

My wife went to Niagara Falls and fell, she broke every bone in her body.

1 year later she recovered. She slipped on an orange peel and died

What is the difference between an orange and an orphan??

The orphan always gets picked..... oh wait i meant an orange always gets picked

The annoying orange told the annoying, insecure, beta bitch orange that he wants to be the most annoying thing on earth again.

When knife tells Annoying Orange "I'm trying something new", Annoying Orange said "Oh no, are you having a midknife crisis?" and then Annoying Orange laughs