unpopular opinion about programming but, Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'myUnpopularOpinion' of undefined.
BLESSEDBRIAN is the reason they invented the mute button.
I've seen more depth in a kiddie pool than in BLESSEDBRIAN’s jokes.
I’m trying to see things from LEO’S perspective... but I just can't seem to get my head that far up my ass.
My best opinion: when life goes to hell, you just go down with it.
This joke here is the worst.
The joke about is stupid.
I wanna date you.
Said mom, dad said no, you are a horrid, f*cking d*ck.
A man said his bars are lit. I said no, because mine are fire.
Opinions are like orgasms. The only one that matters is mine and I don't care if you have one.
I said to my girlfriend nothing can ever make you look ugly...
Because you already look ugly.
Abigail Brynn Welch is not funny.
"Goodness, that's what Post Malone sounds like?"
"Give me some pre-Malone hip hop any day!"
You call it Hell. I call it Saunaworld DX.
That bloke Dean's a cunt!
I say these jokes are life saving material. Who's with me?
The best joke: you. O wait, I can't even say that because jokes have meaning.
Poop is yummy, fuck!
I just got my COVID vaccine, and this lady said, "You have no idea what you put in your body." I said, "Yet you are eating chorizo."
The unicorn was so much better, and I love it!