Yo mama's so fat, when God said "Let there be light" he asked her to move out of the way
Yo mama is so ugly, when there was a tornado, the tornado refused to suck her up.
Yo mama's so stupid, she had a staring contest with a mirror.
Yo mama is so fat, when she took a walk, she made an earthquake!
Yo mama is so ugly, she gave Michael Myers nightmares.
Yo mama is so ugly she's really the reason phones sreens' cracked
YO mama is so ugly, the sunglasses walked away
Yo mama is so slow they had to wait six hours for the crane to finally show
Yo mama is so slow when she stepped on the HI way they had to order a crane to come move her from starting traffic
you mama so fat when she stepped on the skail it said one at a time
Yo mama so stupid that, when she heard about cookies on the internet, she ate her computer.
you mama so stupid when her phone died she bared it lol
your mama is so fat when she stepped on a scale it said damm
Yo mama so fat, when she sat on Walmart, the prices went down.
you mama so fat she filed um min crafts block limit lol XD
Yo mama so stupid, when her phone dies, she buries it.
Yo mama so stupid she thought Fruit Ninja was a gay weeaboo
Yo mama so poor she asked a homeless guy for money.
Yo mama is so fat, it took Nationwide 15 years to get on her side.
Yo mama so short, she wakes up every day in a brick house singing “Everything is Awesome”.