Guys can we change pride month to another month please my birthday is in june and im mot gay and my friends keep making fun of me i think we should change it to march because my brothers birthday is in march and thatd be funny

Hi!!!! So it has been a very long time, and I have seen that your jokes have been becoming more and more innapropriate. Guys, you don't need to be innapropriate to be cool! You are awesome if you like school, and even if you are gay, or anything in the lgbtq+ category. #PRIDE Anyway, I myself am not lgbtq+, but I don't think people who are should get shamed for it. I love you guys, and stay positive!!!

I went to school with a gay guy who was really smart, but he always got mad that he got straight A's instead of getting all the D's

I am only here because me no like blues clues lgbtq episode as I don’t believe in that. If you do ok. And it shouldn’t be a month, the month should be for all of the war veterans, it should be a day for pride. Companies only use this month for money it’s exploitation because they don’t truly support unlike me in which I don’t support it