Butter believe it.
What do you call a failure in another language?
What does "the whole pile of poops" mean?
"The whole pile of shits."
If someone who speaks two languages is bilingual, and someone who speaks many languages is multilingual, then what do you call someone who speaks one language?
An American.
(If it's unoriginal, I apologize. My friend gave me this joke.)
-Signed, AdmiralKizaru.
How do you spell "I. P. With U?"
Do you know what SAWCON is?
SAWCON deez nuts.
I think I banged a Chinese celebrity...
She kept screaming “I’m Wei Tu Yung” like I was supposed to know the name.
Bitch, I can make orange rhyme with banana.
What do you say when a cat says "me moaw"?
The cat says "me toooo!"
"F" stand for family, that's why "orphan" is spelled with "ph."
Knock knock.
"Who's there?"
"Boo who?"
It's just a joke, no need to cry!
Want to hear a joke about prostitution?
Never mind, it's whoreable :)
What do clams do on their birthday? They shell-brate, but they eat all the cake for themselves because they’re shellfish!
Hey, Squidward, say "kid" backward. Also, suck my dick!
Want to hear a joke about prostitution? Never mind, it's whoreable.
Why did the Italian cross the road?
C'era un uliveto.