
Knife Jokes

Normally the reason you don't get a knife when you ask for one is because the person you asked is emo

After having a win at bingo Ethel splashed out on some venison for tea..... During the meal her daughter asked her mum what it was to which she replied with a little smile...'Its what I call your father'... Little Jimmy threw down his knife and fork and jumped up sayin 'Oh My God Dont eat it!!! It's a fucking Dick!

* sans at sans favorite restaurant* Sans: hey frisk what do you eat today?

Frisk: one knife plz

sans: ok one knife plz

Waiter: you eat a knife?

Frisk: yes

* waiter asking for one knife*

Waiter: here you go

Frisk: thanks you

Guy: "can I tell you a joke?" Spiderman: "yes" Guy: "you only have 11 months on your calendar" Spiderman: "why" Guy: holds up knife* "because I murdered May"

When I see the names of lovers engraved on a tree, I don't find it cute or romantic. I find it weird how many people take knives with them on outings.