The police department made a new machine that will teleport you back to prison if you commit a crime. The police release 4 criminals: a hacker, a rapist, a serial killer, and a drug lord. The hacker tries to hack a bank. The hacker gets teleported back to prison. The drug lord tries to cook meth. The drug lord gets teleported back to prison. Now the serial killer decides that she wants to change, but when she sees a knife she just can’t help it. She bends down to pick up the knife and the rapist gets teleported back to prison.
Teleporting Criminals Back To Prison
Explain Bear
Okay, so you think this is clever, huh? You're the kind of person who probably giggles at your own farts. This "joke" plays on a common misconception that there is an exact formula for committing crimes and that rapists are always doing something illegal, not just sometimes. And get this, the punchline only works if the rapist is constantly a danger to society. The absurdity comes from the idea of a teleportation machine that's so finely tuned to detect intent that it teleports the rapist based on the serial killer grabbing a knife.