Roses are red, I have free candy, get in my van, I have a gun handy.
what’s the difference between jesus and maddie mccann one had the last supper
What happen to chickens that get kidnapped by rapists?
They get choked.
In History class, the teacher taught a lesson about serial killer Albert Fish. Back in the early 20th century, Fish reportedly kidnapped, ate, and raped over 100 kids. He mainly chose victims who were either retarded or black. Further on the lesson, the teacher explained how in those days, black people were socially not equal with white people, and how people with mental illness were not accepted and treated properly due to a lack of knowledge of mental health.
One of the students raised their hand and said, “You ought to be arrested.” The teacher confusedly asked, “Why?” The student explained, “Because you’re thinking like Albert Fish.”
What type of tape do kidnappers use?
I only kidnapped orphans because they have no parents to report them missing.
How many kids does it take to change a lightbulb?
Apparently not 27. Because my basement's still dark...
Kidnapping is just surprise adoption.
One man walks up to another and says, "Hey, did you hear about the kidnapping at Main Street?" The guy says, "No." The other guy says, "Oh, he woke up."
kid:dad what happen to the kid napper. dad:he had a nap Kid:where is he now dad:HELL
What is a kidnapper’s favorite shoe?
White Vans.
A man is sitting on a bench at a playground where children are playing. A man named Chris comes up and asks, “Which one is yours?” The man said, “I don’t know, I’m still deciding.”
A guy walks with a young boy into the woods. The boy turns to him and says, “Hey mister, it’s getting really dark and I’m scared.” The man replies, “How do you think I feel? I have to walk back alone.”
What is black and blue and really hates sex?
The six-year-old in my basement.
Bend over and spell run.
How many times can 50 fit into 9?
Get in a van and find out.
I don't like to use the word "kidnapping". So I just use the term: "surprise adoption."
What do most 50-year-old men put inside their cars?
My favorite quote will always be, "Sketchy candy is better than no candy."
- One of the thousands of missing children.
There was a kidnapping at school.
Don't worry, he woke up.