How To

How To Jokes

i didnt mean to call a afghanistan Hotline, i told them i was Depressed then they asked if i know how to drive a truck idk how that has anything to do with it

Imagine you're playing GTA and you finally found out how to take out a gun: Option 1: shoot someone Option 2: suicide

Me: Aren't they the same thing?

The man was Indian he moved to England because he wanted to learn so got a job at the store he learned how to say register then he was a business man he learned how to say 59887 then returant so he learned how to say fork and knifes so a man came with a knife the cop came and asked the man which was the killer who killed him he said him he pointed to the Indian man the cop asked what did you use he said register cop asked for ID 59887the cop asked anything on you forks and knife he said me me me

I wanted to bomb a restaurant so i went in there with a bomb...but the bomb got diffused and did not work . I asked a person standing nearby i said. "" hey do you know how to fix this bomb so i can blow up this place? "" He gave me a book. It was the quran I said what the hell is that..! He said, " this is the official manual for bomb making."

Me:how does this thing work? ForTnite kid: oh u don’t know how to use a pistol look I’ll show you ForTnitekid: shoots foot Me: that wasn’t a very good demonstration

How to Make an Orphan cry Step 1 Talk about Home Step 2 Ask them where there parents are Step 3 Say Bye Bye and push them in the batmobile