I am sick and tired of horror movies it is always the stupid ones that die first. when you see a guy in a dark bloody coat and a knife, he ain't there to just look at yah run; Don't scream run.
When it's been Halloween for a few months, but there's still a body hanging from your neighbor's tree.
What kind of bug lives in a graveyard?
A zomBEE.
I have a trans friend. He is in a polymers relationship and would be straight if they had a dick
" I heard a noise in the basement! I'm gonna go to my friends house and play Minecraft with him until the noise I heard goes away." " I heard a noise in the basement. I'm gonna go down there with a bazooka and thirty thousand rounds of pistol ammo and fifty thousand pistols."
Said no horror movie character ever
and also GTA logic
What does a cow sound like when in a horror house
Moo mooo moooooooo(screaming)
Bring a knife into the shower. NEVER gonna see that coming! He pulls the curtain like ‘re re‘ and you're like ‘re re’ yourself, motherfucker, and stab him right in the eye! You thought the psycho was out there? SURPRISE, the psycho’s IN HERE with the Irish Spring on them!
Horror movies don't scare me. 5 missed calls from my mum scares me.
If you're reading this right now, Then the joke's on you, Because I'm right behind ya, mothafucka!
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I'm laughing because you look like a monkey.
No, seriously,
I'm right behind ya.
Yo mama so fat, she's the reason why Slenderman has no eyes.
This guy tried to kill me, and I asked, "What is this? Friday the Thirteenth?" Michael replied, "Nah, it's Halloween."
There was a dude, he was like, "Yo dawg, you wanna die?" I said, "What is this, Friday the 13th?"
Once upon a time, there was a man named Daniel. He was blind and deaf and he worked at a morgue. So one time poor Dan got confused and start having sex with the rotting corpse. He then came home, and thought he was at the morgue, so he started disintegrating his sleeping wife.
What's a skeleton's favorite instrument?
A tromboner.
What's worse than 1000 dead babies hanging off a tree?
1 dead baby hanging off 1000 trees.
What do you call a skeleton with a mask and a knife?
A heartless killer.
Your mama so fat, when Pennywise said, "We all float down here," he saw her and suddenly knew he was mistaken.
There's a new horror movie about Steven Hawking
It's called unplugged 🤣
People shouldn’t be afraid during a zombie apocalypse.
They can stay in their living room.
whats worse than a truck full of dead babies? one alive at the bottom