Are you a haunted house? Because I’m going to scream when I’m in you! 😫
What’s something Bill Cosby and Freddy Krueger have in common?
Once you fall asleep, you’re fucked.
What's the similarity between a pepperoni pizza and Freddy Krueger?
They both have red circles on their bodies.
Freddy: Im coming for u >:)
Me:god no help
*game notification pops up with very loud sound*
They should bring Michael Jackson back from the dead so he can star in the Peter Pan horror movie.
They made a horror movie about the Chinese president.
It's called "Winnie the Pooh: Blood and Honey."
See, this is the best thing about no such thing as vampires because I'd be the first person to say drinks are on me.
What do the Titanic and the Sixth Sense have in common?
Icy dead people.
How fast does 173 move?
Breakneck speeds!
Imagine a white van. Now imagine a white guy in the driver seat with a sombrero on and his arm out the window, and on the side of the van it says "Free Candy." But there's blood all over the van and a dead clown in the back.
I pulled a prank on my friend the other day. I painted a portrait of the backrooms blueprints while he was sleeping. Still had some extra space.
You are so fat and ugly, Chucky didn't even want to play with you.
Your mama is so ugly! Ghostface from Scream won't even make that call!
Your mama is so ugly, she tried summoning Candyman, but he refused to come!
Can I pin your corpse to a tree?
What game do zombies like to play?
Corpse and Robbers.
Foxy is red,
Bonnie is blue,
And Golden Freddy will kill you.
The pie tasted weird today.
Then I realized that my mother likes cooking pie with human flesh from C town.
A teenager went into a creepy house with his 3 friends. Only 2 came out. Where are the others?
(Getting brutally murdered.)
Q: What do you call a zombie with no mouth?
A: Useless.