
Heart Jokes

Whats black and white and red all over? The darkness of your heart, the dishonour of your lies, and the embarrassment you feel when busted for both.

Mom: That's why your dad left you.

Me: Why?

Mom: I mean look at you, depressed, suicidal, and unhappy, always anxious, and other mental health issues.

Me: How is that my fault? You are a rude mom!

Mom: Your dad had a heart attack 2 weeks before you were born, because you are ugly!

(This actually did happen in real life) -_-

I have the heart of my mom, the face of my dad, the eyes of my grandpa, the ears of my grandma, and the hair of my uncle. We don't look anything alike I just collect body parts

Boy : “My heart MELTS for you.” Girl : “OMG, are you okay?!?!?!” Boy : “Yeah, why?” Girl : “Because if your heart is melting, then you are NOT okay.”

Yo momma so stupid, when someone got cardiac arrest, she tried to put the person to court, and when the judge said "ORDER AT THE COURT", she thought it's a food court, and order 20 big macs and got a heart attack

My heart broke as I went down up the stairs and my girlfriend broke her ♥️ heart

- .... . / .-- --- .-. .-.. -.. / .. ... / -. . ...- . .-. / .- / -. . ...- . .-. -....- . -. -.. .. -. --. / .... . .-.. .-.. / .... --- .-.. .

Irregular heartbeat. Heart palpitations. Arrhythmia. I search and search, eyes
scanning everything I can find on their symptoms. What is thie? Shortness of breath?
Chest pain? Dizziness? No. This is all wrong. Elyssa's cymptoms are nowhore near this
simple. ve seen it twice now. The screams of pais. Sickeningly pale skin. Voriting
biced. There is no other cxplanation, other than thas Renier's information was a
complete and atter lie.
This can t all be coincidence. It's not possible. I don't know how much of this Renier
is behind. But I do know this: There is something horribly wrong with this family.
And I accepted the invitation to become a part of it.
I can hear Elycsa screams through the walls now. I listen helplessly. Renior said
that he would be with her shortly. Is he in her room now? Why is she screaming even
louder than before?