What happens when the orphan at school gets sent home?
seems very long. you wont remember the tel number..... I remember it lile this from school days in Ireland.
Dolly Patron is shopping for new bra , lady says your size (69) , Dolly says no way that too too too (222) big, so she goes to doctor , Doc I need something to make my boobs smaller , here take (51) pills for 6 days ( x6) and soo she did . days later she ran back to doc, jesus Christ doctor look what happened Im BOOBLESS. 55378008 upside down.
What happened when the gun dealer found his pistol in his shoe? He found that he had a piece in his sole!!
I asked my uncle why he was living on the streets. He said that he wasn't always on the streets, he used to have a job at these two towers. I asked him what happened, and he said two planes happened.
What happens if you sit under a cow You get a pat an the head
It's hard to predict the future, especially before it happens.
A blonde crashes a airplane Officer: could you please explain to me what happened? Woman: It got so cold in the plane I turned the fan off. Officer: *face palms self* Also officer: Here's you sign
What Happens When You Get Caught On Fire? —You Lost To Slmebody When You Were Playing Hide And Seek And The Place Where You Got Caught Was Exactly On A Patch Of Fire.
What happens when you cross a pig and karate. A Porkchop
Q: Did you hear about the Twin Towers? A: No, what happened? Q: Apparently, the design was fundamentally floored!
What happens when you eat salmon with nutella?
You get salmonella
Q: When a chip gets popped what happens to it?
A: it gets pooped out of the bag
to men walk into a bar the 1st says hey hows it going the 2 one says great but then the 3rd man says hello where did my wife go i swear she as just here what happened to the 3rd guys wife
What happens when the music note starts to misbehave? Then he gets into treble!
why is it so punny when sans tells a joke in the evening?because a SANSET is happening.
Warning! Cringe Alert! What happens when you leave your phone at jail? It becomes a cell-phone.
What happens if you play with Santa’s ball you get a white Christmas
An Irish man walks out of a bar. It can happen.
What happens when you fail to be an emo you dont make the cut