Okay, when I leave for ONE DAY something happens like people being sexist and men saying that women are weak (Which is Not True), AND rape. I hate hearing and really saying the word. Just stop with all this nonsense. I say rape and sexist and woman assault jokes should not be allowed. They are too cruel and mean to women. Most men are weaker than women. So don't anyone make anymore things or "jokes" about rape. Women are strong and don't be mean to them.
Sincerely, watersharky (How did I not misspell????)
Man u get it
But if you do studies according to genetics and facts using statistics men are biologically stronger. A women can be strong as a man if they do the work to do so. But biologically men are stronger. Its proved by statistics, look it up:). I’m not sexist just trying to make sure people have their “Facts” that are proven by statistics not opinions.
women rape too
I mean you did spell assault wrong
Well women can be stronger then men and this started when some stupid bitch for men humanity started ducking up this bulls hiring website with men this men that men better stronger do More say more FUCK who cares
There is more
Women always are told they can't be in things that most recire men working there. When women try to do the right things men always crtizes them..
Damn you kinda a bitch
Literally no men criticize women for trying to do the right thing. That just doesnt make any goddamn sense. Also biologically men are a lot stronger than women, and while its true that some women are stronger than some men the average man is taller and heavier than the average woman, i.e stronger.
Mr. Andrew
Yall are making false enemies here
men also make up 1/3 of all suicides, 1 in 8 men are depressed, girls get so many compliments they dont notice them, boys get so many insults they dont notice them, its self defence if a women hits a man, but its assault if a man hits a women, women carry around pepper spray and crap around to "defend" themselves, but most often, women are the abusive ones in the relationships. Fucking retard.
Then leave the chat