Why do trans women make the best golf course grounds staff? They’re enthusiastic about getting rid of unwanted balls.
I wish my lawn was emo, because than it would cut itself.
Roses are red Grass is green I think of you sucking my peen
What do you call a cow eating grass? - A Lawn Moo-er
if you don’t like mowing your lawn, just get emo grass! it cuts itself!
What did the cow say? Moo
I just planted emo grass. Ignore it and it cuts itself.
Someone stole my grass today, I went to the police and they said: "What's wrong?" I said "How could you tell something was wrong?" they replied "you were looking forlorn"
roses r red
idk what is brass
I tell myself
don’t touch grass
What did the mommy cow say to the baby cow?
It is pasture your bed time
why do migets laugh when they run cause the grass tickels there balls
Why didnt the cows eat the lemon grass.
It made sour milk.
If emo grass cuts itself for you, then what do transgender picture frames do?
Vegans:Save the Earth Normal People:Were trying to but you guys keep eating it
What did one cow say to the other? You are mootiful
I love when I could run throw the grass and feel the wind on my face. Then my mom told me to get off VR and then I wheeled myself to her
how do u cut your grass without a lawnmower? - u dye it blue and it will cut itself
Q: How tall was Hitlers grass A: *Hitler salute* about this high
What's the difference between a gamer and dog poop? Dog poop touches grass.
Me: hey friend!
Friend: yes?
Me: What is the missing sense? Seeing, Smelling, _, Tasting, Hearing.
Friend: Touch
Me: what do u spawn on Minecraft always (jk only 99.99pursent)
Friend: Grass
Me: And you get?
Friend: Touch grass