My friends and I were talking about this really ugly girl at our school. For some reason, she had the same name as me.
I used to date a girl named Ruth, but she broke up with me and now I am ruthless.
My sister's boyfriend is mad at me because I fucked his girl.
I fucked ur girl
3 boy chiwawa were hot about this girl chiwawa. She tells them I will date whichever one of you can use liver and cheese in the same sentence. First dog say... I love cheese but liver is bland. She replay.. Really original. Next dog.. I love liver but chesse makes me constipated.. She replay.. Ewe gross. Third dog steps up.. Man Liver alone cheese mine. Winner dog 3.
So, I hooked up with a girl at a party, but I forgot that it was a family reunion.
A blond a bernet and a red head walked into a bar the bartender told them their was a magic merror in the bathroom.He said that if you spoke the truth infront of the merror you would have your greatest desires but if you told a lie you would disappear .The red head sais that she was the pretiest girl in the bar and she walked out the bathroom and she got athusand dollars.The berrnet walked in and said she was the smartest one in the bar she walked out the ber with a new car.The bland went she said I think poof she was gone
If the Grinch was an average white thotty b.... girl:
If the Grinch was an average black girl:
a girl and a boy were on a date, the boy kept farting. the girl asked, What Is Wrong?!?!the boy replied, "explosive diareah." the girl said ew.
The boy went to the bathroom, and the place exploded. the center of the explosion, the bathroom.
What’s the difference between a masquito and a blonde girl.
One stops sucking when you smack it.
What is similar about the feelings of a girl's birth daddy and her new pimp daddy?
They both worry about how she will turn out!
Me: God Bryce do we really have to talk about this again? Bryce: what? Me: Your still talking shit!! I already told you! It's 9 inches! Stop saying it's 3! P.S. I'm a girl
A girl walks up to her dad to ask for a dress for prom and he says, "Suck my dick and I'll buy you a dress." She does it and says to him, "Dad, your dick tastes like shit." And he says, "Yeah, your brother wanted a car."
Girls are like volcanoes.
You never know when they will erupt.
I was having sex with my girl, and she said she likes it rough, so I socked her in the face.
what do gay girls order in a bar
pussy juice
My girl friend is like toys r us. She does no exist .
I got my little girl a hand sewing kit for her birthday and she cried. I didn't understand why until I realized that she had no hands to sew with.
Little girls cry. Big girls say FU*K.
What do call a girl with no legs...Sarah What do you call an olympic gold medalist skiing... not Sarah