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My therapist told me to write angry letters to those that upset me and never send them. He is really going to hate the letter he never gets.

So a guy is walking with a young boy into the woods. They boy turns to the man and says, “Hey mister its getting dark out, and I’m scared... Can we go back now?” So the man says: “How do you think I feel, I have to walk back alone!"


If a heterosexual man gets anonymous oral sex from another heterosexual man at a glory hole it's called a brojob but if a homophobic heterosexual man gets anonymous oral sex from a gay man at a glory hole it's still called a brojob does it cycle now?

3/7 of a chicken, 2/3 cat, 1/2 goat. What do you get when you cross those?

Answer : Chi-ca-go

Why did the family get mad at the boy for eating at the funeral?

While trying to season his food, he mistook his cremated grandfather for salt.


So my mom sent a text saying, "I'm gonna need help carrying groceries when I get back." That was 3 months ago.


So I went to my friends funeral today, As we were all leaving a kid put a get well soon card next to my friends grave ‘poor kid’