There once was a man from Peru.who dreamed he was eating his shoe. He woke up at night ,with a terrible fright,to find out his dream had come true.
Why did the cow cross the road? To get to the udder side.
Nobody finds that one funny.
Two balled dudes were pulling each other's hair
This shit is disgusting but funny
Why did the toilet paper cross the road? It was on a roll
[1]: Knock knock
[2]: Who's there?
[1]: Interrupting Cow
[2]: Interrupting Co- ( [1]: MOO!
What do you call a lesbian dinosaur? - lickalotofpuss
How do you know your Dad's been fucking your sister? He's dick tastes funny....
Orphan jokes protest Anonymous Orphan jokes are just funny so stop trying to ruin our fun!
Gwen: Stop! It is not funny. Orphans are just out their cold, weak, and need someone! And the jokes are not funny!
Shut up: Shut up!
Liv: Gwen stop!!
Gwen: SHUT UP BITCH!!!!!!!!!
My son said "what rhymes with orange"
i said "No it doesn't!!"
Christopher and Tony were tempted for a beer, but they only had 2 dollars each.
Christopher got an idea and ran away to the butcher to see if he could get something good. He came back with a sausage. So they went to a pub and ordered 2 beers and 2 whiskeys.
"Are you crazy?!" said Tony to Christopher. "We don't have any money!"
"Take it easy now," said Christopher. "I have a plan."
When they finished drinking everything up, Christopher put the sausage through his own zipper and begged Tony to bend on his knees and take the sausage with his mouth.
The bartender saw what they did and threw them out without even paying. So Christopher and Tony kept doing the same thing pub after pub after pub.
After the 10th pub, Tony said: "I can't do this anymore. I am drunk, and my knees are in too much pain to even handle the walk."
"How do you think I feel?" said Christopher, exhausted. "I dropped the sausage in the 3rd pub!"
What were the candles doing at a birthday party 🥳?
Getting lit.
Knock knock
Who’s there
When she saw her first strands of grey hair she thought she'd dye.
So, she went to see the "You Should Be Shot" - Photography Studio
anti funny joke why do depressed people want to kill them selves to be loved on the news show for 10 minutes
why are skeletons not funny because they have no humor 🤣
I did a ton of work, a skele-ton
cooper is funny
Why didn't the skeleton cross the road? He didn't have the guts.