Your forehead is so deep no even curry can shot from that deep
I hate my stupid wrinkly ring doing f, dad!
Your forehead is so big, I thought it was mount chiliad
I was in the corner shop and the Indian woman was sporting a red dot on her forehead. I scratched it off and won a fucking Ford Focus!
Your forehead is deeper than the ocean.
Yo forehead reflects projectiles just like the shield in strike force heroes
your forhead so big scientests mesured it studyed it and then finally they said :OH MY GOD... your forhead is so big its a 50 mile car ride from your eyebrous to your hair and
Your forehead got a restraining order from your hairline.
Your forehead is so big your mum spent an extra hour in the birth delivery room.
When God said, "Let there be light," he got blinded because you reflected it off your forehead.
how do you see past that forehead
yo forehead so big it touchs yo neck
your forehead so big when you walk by i can't see whats in front of me
It's like your hairline and your forehead had a disagreement.
I pulled a prank on my friend the other day, i painted a portrait of the backrooms blueprints while he was sleeping, still had some extra space
Your hairline and your eyebrows are social distancing.
Your hair is so far back, you left it at your last address.
Boi ur forehead so big i can make a launchpad on that shit
Your forehead so big it takes 3-4 business days
Your forehead is so leaned back you can see the dinosaurs