
Food Jokes

Every culture has weird food.

Australians eat vegemite. The British eat haggis. The French eat snails. The Chinese eat dogs. The Americans eat their young siblings' private parts.

The twin towers ordered 3 tacos. One was just a plane tortia. The other one was also just a plane tortia. And the third one went to the wrong adress.

So this dude comes home from work one day, and his wife is watching the Food Network. The husband asks, "Why do you watch that? You still cant cook," and the wife responds, "Why do you watch porn? You still cant f*ck."

yo mama so fat that if she didn't eat for a day there would be enough food to feed africans for 500 years

What’s the difference between an emo and a Oreos pack? The emo’s barcode gets longer every day

Food makes are proudly presenting human flesh made foods donate your useless friends and family to us because we're saving lives T and C apply this is only in the best shops in your town or down the road or in your country 1 like = 1 family member donated cos we're saving lives😎😎

Yo momma's decided to go to KFC, until she realized she had to share with her family, so she bought ten buckets and cashier said ''here is the reciept'' now yo momma got afraid of how much money she had to spend, despiting on how she spended more than drakes net worth that he can even lend, she went back home seeing her family looking at her and the KFC, thinking that could be her rent, but the whole family dug into the food, by the second they see the plates empty, and seeing the lazy mom steady, she ate so much she wasn't ready until she fell, which caused an earthquake, which made her go to jail, which caused her to be scary.

I went to the grocery and they said I did something wrong but I thought they were talking about a food so I said wrong yummy