Yo mama so fat, her birth certificate was an apology letter
You momma's so fat she went on safari and got shagged by an elephant
What's the difference between a cop and bacon?
Bacon is full of fat and makes you feel good. A cop is full of shit and will make you feel their hot steamy cock as they ram it up your ass with some justice sprinkled on top.
A fat homeless person begged me for food, so I said, "I can see your dinner. You had plenty!"
This dude is so fat wearing the same damn clothes everyday. Everytime he turn around it's his graduation day he forgot to put a boomerang on his pants cause they don't even fit no more.last time I saw him coming down the street it was in a bucket of popeye"s chicken extra crispy.
A snorlax was in a bar. And he was drinking beer when an Eevee and a Rockruff hopped onto a stool. The Eevee ordered an oranberry special for the both of them.
Snorlax: Y'all make the perfect couple.
Random Zorua: Dragonite, is it just an illusion, or is that snorlax fatter than this region?
Your mama is so fat that when she went to scale its said no elephants aloud
Yo mamas so fat when she wants to take a bath, they need to make more H2O
your so ugly you made hello kitty say bye
Why did AlexDaEgg fall down the stairs? Because he is fat.
Yo mama so fat, every time she measures her carbon footprint the website breaks.
Yo mama's so fat, it took me two buses and a train to get to her good side.
yo mama so fat that when she sits on the beach she sinks!
Kid singing “abcd.”
Person says, “No, no, it’s obcd.”
Yo mama so fat and old, she is the reason the Great Depression happened.
Your mama is so stupid, her phone died so she buried it in the backyard!
Yo mama so fat, that when she took a selfie, she needed 2 phones
My wife is so fat. She jumped up in the air and got stuck.
She's so fat that when she steps onto a wood floor, the floorboard doesn't creak, it screams: "Goddamn!!!" before it snaps from the weight.
Yo mama so fat that when she saw Thanos and he tried to snap her out of existence, it didn't work, and he said, "Man, I quit!"