what did Germany and Austria do after ww2?
accepted all art students
what did Germany and Austria do after ww2?
accepted all art students
Today we had a test on september 11th in school. I got a 9/11
What do a school shooter and a lightbulb have in common? They both light up the classroom. 🤡💀
my teacher asked me what my favirote number was yesterday and i said 2977, i chose 91 for my football jersey number and sharpied a 1 after the other 1, and my teacher mr jacksons dad died in 9/11 and when he was talking about it friday the 9th i threw a paper airplane at him and got suspended for 3 days starting monday
The Good Old Days > You don't appreciate a lot of stuff in school until you get older. Little things like being spanked every day by a middle-aged woman: Stuff you pay good money for in later life.
Spend all night in a dark humour webpage
Go to orphanage today and read it to them And I'm sure if you go to school for disabled children, they should understand it
what does the twin towers and school have in common... people jumped off a building to escape it.
So I became a teacher in a school for disabled children
A kid wanted ask me a question, so I told him to stand while he address me đź’€
I wish they taught 9/11 at school
It would make these jokes more explosive 🧨
I was in class doing sex education. We were learning about sexual stereotypes. My teacher turns to the class and asks “If anyone could tell him what a sexual stereotype was?” So I raised my hand and said “Asians have small penis” he looked at me and said “very good. But I was looking for a definition.