i dont even like ketchup so it stays stinky
why cant orphans play baseball
they dont know were home is
Why can play baseball cause they dont where home is
Yo mama so fat, when she had an interview for NASA, they said, "We don't hire planets."
This joke is so bad I don't even know what I wrote at this point.
if ur bored punch a orphan what are they gonna do tell there parents wait they dont have any
this ole boy thats locked up called his ole lady and got into it with her and she said well fuck you i dont need you no more anyway I got 2 or 3 guys out here wanting me and trying to fuck me and he said well honey thats the least of my worries I got 10 or 12 guys in here tryin to fuck me
you use to call me on your cellphone when you need my love mad girl; SHUT UP YOU ARE SO ANNOYING I DONT WANT TO CALL YOU ON MY CELL PHONE
After having a win at bingo, Ethel splashed out on some venison for tea.
During the meal, her daughter asked her mum what it was, to which she replied with a little smile... "It's what I call your father."
Little Jimmy threw down his knife and fork and jumped up sayin', "Oh My God! Don't eat it!!! It's a fucking Dick!"
mom:son did u go to school son:whit if i saw yes mom:u r in school slap son:mom am moveing out and am moveingin whit my gf mom:u r whit pls dont move out =( son:mom stop so whit if am moveing out am moveing into my gf home it oley for school mom:will u r kick out of my home son:good mom:am sad now why did he move out
if u like it pls comit down
whats is a mexicans favorite sport?? Cross country because they dont need to be in America Mexico was made for them
My wifes always nagging me, you dont let me have any friends, i abuse her and im always coming back late, so i thought i would treat her, i popped up in the attick and introduced her to two women.
why dont orphans like pizza because they dont have parents thats why
well i dont have a joke but...i have a poem my dick is red your pussy is blue i...lied to you
Guys if yall dont stop making hatred stuff im contacting admin
what do u call a mosquito in your language we dont call them the they just come and bight
What did the fish say to the other fish? you have a big butt! the other fish said, we dont have butts......
Friend: My girls are like boomerangs; they always come back.
Me: Mine DON'T :(
Hey Gwen, uhhhhhhh, fresfry told me to tell you I like you. Jk, I don't.
Why are you sitting down to pee? I don't have a good back and can't lift something big.