There are 4 people on a airplane and the pilot has a heart attack and dies the plane is going down and there are also only 3 parachutes so the guy who knows how to cure cancer says I’m jumping I can save many lives the the 46 president joe Biden says I’m take ing the 2 one so there is only one left Donald trump says to the 7 year old girl I have lived a long life u an take the next one so the little girl says that’s ok the 46 president took my back
Yo mama so ugly that even Donald Trump couldn't be inside her dreams.
Q) Why did the uncle slept with his own nephew
A) Cuz the boy wouldn't stop talking about donald trump ever single week end
America has white people that are terrorists and racists. They love to blame people from different countries for what they have done.
White person: We are not terrorists. Why would ever do that in our history? The rest of the people: *looks at them stupid* Yall were the first mother fuckers to be a terrorist first and then wanting to blame others for your action.
1 person: You still carrying that confederate flag. It means hatred and still trying to fight to bring back slaves again. Yall say it's heritage and not hate but clearly still a fucking loser and your flag has an X means wrong. So... Still a loser. People can't be racist to a racist. It just doesn't make sense. Im not saying all white people are racist but I am talking about the ones who voted for trump and be blind as hell. FUCK DONALD TRUMP AND THE RACIST PEOPLE>
RICK: GUESS WHAT GUESS WHAT OH GUESS WHAT MOTHERFUCKER OR IMMA SAY IT!!!!!! Richard: What???? Rick: So Before donald trumps impeachment he said " The CoronaVirus will end on march 32nd 2021 Richard: Your from planet arth where there's a march 32nd enjoy it *stupid dumb fuck brother* Rick: Oh I will *It was the day March 21st* *9 Days later* *March 31st* Rick: oh I cant want until tomarrow!!!!!!!!!! Ooh im so exited im gonna give my friends a big'ole bro hug and hand shake i miss the muhfuckin dudes man *one day later* *He got his school uniform waiting for the bus not seeing it* Rick:....... wai......Huh!?!?...... hol....up BITCH IM AND IDIOT THERE IS NO MOTHERFUCKING MARCH 32ND THIS IS THE MOTHERFUCKING !ST OF APRIL TRUMP DUMBASS *Richard* *oh he's the dumbass*
Why does donald trump smell like dog shit? cuz hes a dawggggg
Donald trump Is getting all the perks of 2020. He got covid and lost his job
Once I saw Donald Trump and an orange and couldn’t tell the difference 😂
Why is Donald Trump like a creamsicle? He white on the inside. He orange on the outside. And then there's that stick!
If Donald Trump had sex with and orange guess what his son would be?
A orange tree! :>
Wanna hear a joke about Donald Trump? Ok, Melania totally married him for his good looks, believe me!
What's the difference between Donald Trump and a dirty diaper?
Answer: none, they're both self-absorbed and full of sh*t!
What did Melania ever see in Donald Trump?
$2 billion and high cholesterol.
Why did the orphan kill himself when he found out who his dad was,because he found out there dad was Donald Trump.
Decisions taken by world leaders often have great significance during a crisis.The Americans, in particular, are suffering many losses during the current global pandemic. Remember, In the 1980's they had Ronald Reagan, Johnny Cash and Bob Hope. In 2020 they have Donald Trump, no Cash and no Hope!
Donald Trump is a good president and not a complete moron
Somebody told me to go to hell so I walked up to Donald Trump.
1.Your face is so ugly i thought it was deformed it probably was anyways 2.even if donald trump had time to build a wall it was probably so you won't squish us with you fatass. if someone says your face is deformed just say thats what happens when i look at you. welcome
What is Donald Trump's favorite game?
Fortnite. Because he can build walls for free.
A man goes into heaven and there he meets jesus. He asks Jesus what that broken clock is there for. Jesus says "that is mother teresa's clock it has never moved because she has never lied". "There is Abraham Lincolns clock. He has .lied twice so it has moved twice." "Where is Donald Trump's?" Ask's the man. Jesus answers "it is in my office, I am using it as a ceiling fan."