The Twin Towers were like a woman stuck in the washer machine. They both got freed.
I would say a 9/11 joke, but it wouldn't land well.
I don't really understand 9/11 jokes, but they eventually hit me like a plane.
What do you call plane crash victims?
Down to earth people
I asked the titanic a ice breaker question. It couldn't answer
I don't understand why the Twin Towers were super upset.
Their pizza just got there a lot faster by plane.
At least he got D.L.A. (Disability Living Allowance), so it's not all bad. Every cloud has a silver lining...even a mushroom cloud.
"We can't go under... We can't go over... Oh no, we got to go through it!"
My tower is hard, but after six minutes, it fell over.
These jokes have a good build up, but in the end, they all come crashing down.
Why did the North Tower want chocolate ice cream?
Because he didn't want plane.
All my 9/11 jokes seem to fly too low.
What's a building's first crush? A plane.
What is the difference between the Twin Towers and the Leaning Tower of Pizza?
One held its balance, the other two fell.
The youngest of the Twin Towers said, "Goodbye, brotha." But the one who got hit, which is the oldest, said, "If I go down, you go with me!"
Thank God I went on the tenth.
Can you imagine what was the last thing that went through their brains?
The knee caps.
Cow: *can't be milked for 20 years*
You wanna know why the Titanic was split in half? The iceberg hit it from the front and back.
It would be fun they said... It was unsinkable they said...