What do you call a lesbian dinosaur? A lick-a-lot-of-puss.
What do you call a gay dinosaur? Megasoreass.
Why can't you hear a pterodactyl go to the bathroom? The "p" is silent.
What do you call a Dino stripper?
A dinowhore.
What do you call a gay dinosaur?
A stego-sore-ass.
Why can't dinosaurs clap?
Because they're dead.
Why was the T-rex so angry? You would be angry too if your arms were too short to masturbate.
Your hairline is so far back it was friends with the dinosaurs!
What's the difference between a T-Rex and your sister? I can't stick my dick in a dinosaur.
Why can't you hear a pterodactyl going to the bathroom?
Because the "p" is silent.
I wish I was a dinosaur because all of them are dead.
Are you a dinosaur? Because I want to blow you up.
Why canβt dinosaurs clap? Because their dead.
What do u call a dinosaur that loves sucking dino dick Sucks-alota-cocka sorass
What do you call a dinosaur with good eyesight............do you think he saw us
What did the cave man say while seeing a reptile taking off?
Look at that Dino-sour!
Why could dinosaurs not talk? Because they were dead.
why shouldn't you get in a fight with a dinosaur
you'll get jur ass kicked
the pterodactyl went in my bathroom and peed. when I was in the shower, i couldn't hear it. Why? because the "p" is silent
If chickens make chicken nuggies does that mean dinosaur chickens make Dino nuggies?!?!