Dinosaurs are like my dad. I never got to see either of them, and they are now extinct.
What do you call a blind dinosaur? Do-you-think-he-saurus.
Why can't dinosaurs clap? Because they're dead.
Why couldn't the T-Rex clap?
Because he's dead.
Why don't dinosaurs lay eggs?
Because they're EGGstinct!
Your hairline is so far back it was friends with the dinosaurs!
What does a peeing pterodactyl sound like?
Nothing, the pee is silent.
I wish I was a dinosaur because all of them are dead.
Why can't you hear a Pterodactyl go to the bathroom?
Because it's extinct.
Why can't dinosaurs clap?
'Cause they are dead.
Why can’t the T-Rex clap his hands?
Because he is DEAD.
Where do T. Rexes shop? Dino-stores.
What did the caveman say while seeing a reptile taking off?
Look at that dino-sour!
The pterodactyl went in my bathroom and peed.
When I was in the shower, I couldn't hear it. Why? Because the "p" is silent.
Why could dinosaurs not talk? Because they were dead.
What do Cavemen poop in?
A Neander stall.
What do you call a dino stripper?
A dinohore.
What do you call a dinosaur with a butt?
A Butt-asaurus.
What do you call a lesbian dinosaur?
What should you use to battle a T-Rex?
A dino-sword.